American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology

The candidate will be able to demonstrate competency in the following Foundational and Functional Competency areas as defined below:


Specialty Identification
The articulation of a working knowledge of the history of Rehabilitation Psychology and shows an incorporation of the bio-psycho-social foundations of Rehabilitation Psychology in practice as evidenced by a reference to the influence of any model, study, or leader in the Rehabilitation Psychology field.
The demonstration of clinical skills that are reflective of a Rehabilitation Psychologist as evidenced by a work history or experience congruent with this specialized field.

Comportment reflects integrity and demonstrates concern for the welfare of others as evidenced by a reference to standards of care, client well-being or social justice.
The demonstration of knowledge and understanding of current issues in the field of Rehabilitation Psychology as evidenced by a reference to one or more of those issues in the exam process.

Reflective Practice/Self-Assessment/Self-Care
The articulation of the ability to self-assess competencies relevant to practice and professional activities as evidenced by description of their own specific strengths and weaknesses.
The demonstration of an awareness of the responsibility to address limits in their knowledge-base or skill-set as evidenced by the articulation of steps to resolve these clinical weaknesses.
The description of a commitment to continued professional development as evidenced by ongoing and long-term plan to enhance competencies, either through education, specific training and/or consultation.
The demonstration of active self-reflection as evidenced by the demonstration of regular self-monitoring through consultation and/or supervision, when required.

Scientific Knowledge and Methods
The description of the impact of a recognized model, standard of care, or approach on the case formulation.
The reporting of the impact of a line of research, peer-reviewed articles, or expert consensus on the case formulation
Reference to specific research methodologies, techniques of data collection, analysis, and interpretation, biological bases of behavior, cognitive-affective bases of behavior and development across the lifespan.
The description of the strengths and weaknesses of at least one scientific study.

The description of the development and maintenance of adaptive working relationships with a wide range of clients/patients, colleagues, organizations and communities.
The provision of informative, accurate, and well-integrated communication skills in written documentation and narrative presentation.

Ethical and Legal Principles/Standards/Statutes and Policy
The articulation of knowledge and application of the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, relevant legal statutes, standards of care, and professional activities as they apply to rehabilitation populations and settings by describing actions consistent with the code, and referencing two or more elements of the Code.
The description of effective integration of APA ethical principles in everyday practice as evidenced by the demonstration of ethical decision-making procedures to address at least three ethical dilemmas across the entire exam process.

Individual and Cultural Diversity
The articulation of an awareness of, sensitivity to, and mastery of skills related to working with diverse individuals, groups, populations and communities as
evidenced by reference to the impact of those differences in culture, personal background, or other characteristic (e.g., culture of disability).
The description of self-awareness as a cultural being in assessment, treatment, consultation and advocacy/consumer protection as evidenced by a reference to the impact of the Candidate’s own cultural characteristics in reference to a case or situation.
The demonstration of an awareness, interest or knowledge of literature and resources available to enhance mastery of skills to work with diverse individuals, groups, populations, and communities.

Interdisciplinary Systems
The articulation of knowledge of fundamental concepts related to treatment team function within the context of rehabilitation team member identity and approach to care delivery as evidenced by referencing the impact of team treatment in a case or situation.
The demonstration of consultation or collaboration with team colleagues with a reference to how the consultation or collaboration was utilized to benefit both persons served and treatment team function.
Description of active leadership within an interdisciplinary team.

Evidence-based Practice
The description of integration of a line of research, peer-reviewed articles, or expert consensus in support of the Candidate’s decision to use specific assessment tools and intervention strategies (includes literature citations).
The description of ongoing changes in the evidence related to rehabilitation populations and its impact on case formulation and treatment decisions.
The articulation of the impact of a recognized model, standard of care, or approach on decision to use specific assessment tools and intervention strategies (includes literature citations).
The description of a clinical approach derived from supervised practice or consultation with a specific colleague.
The description of the impact of knowledge gained from personal professional experience with similar cases.

General Principles
The articulation of the rationale for assessment (e.g., who to assess, what to assess, why assess) in the context of the referral question.
The articulation of the impact of demographic (e.g., age, education, culture, race) data and reliability/validity/clinical utility data on assessment outcomes.
The articulation of recommendations for accommodations related to assessed conditions.
A discussion of the rationale for specific assessment measures (to include: benefit of objective/subjective measures, limitations of the findings, and validity of the data).
A discussion of the impact of assessment data on treatment intervention choices and implementation.
A reference to relevant current literature related to assessment in this specific population.

Sensory-Perceptual, Motor, Language, Cognitive Function
The demonstration of knowledge of the impact of an injury or condition impact on anatomy, thinking, behavior, recovery, and outcomes.
The demonstration of test interpretation, reporting and feedback relevant to the needs of the individual client/patient, family or the treatment team.

Adjustment to Disability: Individual
The discussion of the patient’s emotional adjustment and methods of evaluation (e.g., self vs. other report).
The discussion of the factors considered in evaluating emotional adjustment.

Adjustment to Disability: Family
The discussion of client-specific variables (intrapersonal, family dynamics, environmental, etc.) included in evaluation.
The discussion of a theoretical and/or evidence-based approach to evaluating family response to changes in role and function, and discusses how findings/recommendations relate to the specific patient and family.

Discussion of how a person’s sexual function could be impacted by the condition of interest or his/her status (to include: physiology, emotional impact, medication impact).
A reference to theory and/or scientific literature regarding sexual adjustment in varied disabling conditions.
The discussion of sexual health assessment and evaluative data in the context of individual client/patient needs and treatment planning.

Substance Abuse
The inclusion of epidemiology data (e.g., incidence, prevalence, relapse risk) on substance abuse risk in the disability population of interest if/when appropriate.
The documentation of the impact and effects of substance abuse upon person and condition of interest using examples.
The demonstration of a specific rationale for selected method of assessing and evaluating substance use given the person and his/her condition of interest.
The discussion of at least one substance abuse screening tool and the limitations of these tools.

The discussion of the incidence/prevalence and functional effects of acute/chronic pain upon varied disabling health conditions, including reference to any germane literature.
The demonstration of knowledge of secondary factors that must be evaluated/assessed in the conceptualization of pain.
The demonstration of a specific rationale for selected method of assessing and evaluating pain given the person and his/her condition of interest.

Vocational/Educational Issues
The demonstration of the understanding of a vocational assessment model, approach, or tool.
The demonstration of an understanding of how the condition of interest will likely impact education and work future.

General Principles
The discussion of intervention in the context of the Rehabilitation Psychology consult referral question, patient/family goals, and assessment results.
The selection of appropriate intervention in the contexts of client/patient needs, the rehabilitation treatment milieu, treatment plan implementation and discharge planning.
The discussion of varied evidence-based intervention strategies, their strengths/limitations and appropriateness to client/patient and the psychosocial environment.
The demonstration of psychotherapeutic interventions across multiple psychotherapy sessions and documentation of intervention effectiveness throughout the treatment course and outcome.

Behavior Management
The discussion of target behavior(s) that improve or hinder behavioral health management or facilitate or serve as a barrier to patient engagement in the rehabilitation process/outcome.
The discussion of patient, family, team, and/or environmental or other factors, including probable antecedents, consequences, contingencies that impact behavior.
The discussion of a plan for managing reinforcers, contingencies, patient education, team teaching approach, or managing the physical, social, and contextual environment to support attainment of behavioral goal(s).
The demonstration of communication with pertinent stakeholders regarding the behavior management plan and their willingness/objections to support it.
The discussion of a system to measure the effectiveness of the behavior management plan.
The citation of scientific literature pertinent to a specific behavioral problem or approach, and the integration of this literature into case conceptualization.

Adjustment to Disability: Individual
The articulation of a rational link between assessment findings and intervention plan specific to the rehabilitation process or adaptation to disability
The discussion of client-specific variables (intrapersonal, support system, environmental, etc.) influencing the intervention approach.
The discussion of a theoretical and/or evidence-based approach to planning and implementing interventions.
A reference to at least one peer reviewed journal article relevant to the Candidate’s choice of intervention strategy, and discussion of how findings/recommendations relate to the specific patient.
The description the implementation of a theoretical/evidence-based approach to one of the client’s problems.
The discussion of the limitations in the use of an intervention approach with this particular client.
The demonstration of suggestions for resources (e.g. educational material, support groups, etc.) that may support client’s ongoing adjustment.

Adjustment to Disability: Family
The articulation of a rational link between assessment findings and intervention plan.
The discussion of client-specific variables (intrapersonal, family dynamics, environmental, etc.) influencing the intervention approach.
The discussion of a theoretical and/or evidence-based approach to planning and implementing interventions to enable family integration and support of the person with the disability
The reference to at least one peer reviewed journal article relevant to the choice of intervention strategy, and discussion of how findings/recommendations relate to the specific patient and family.
The discussion of at least one example of an action implementing a theoretical/evidence-based approach to one of the family’s problems.
The discussion of the limitations of the use of the intervention approach with this particular family.
The communication of suggestions for resources (e.g. educational material, support groups, etc.) that may support the family’s ongoing adaptation to disability.

The discussion of medical variables affecting sexual desire and sexual response.
The assessment of patient’s willingness to discuss sexual issues, and individualizes discussions according to patient’s preferences.
The discussion of patient’s emotional response to changes/limitations in sexual functioning.
The discussion of the impact of changes in sexual functioning on patient’s identity.
The identification of sexual intercourse as one element of a person’s sexual behavior, and explores multiple ways to support sexual activity and sexual identity.
The involvement of patient’s partner in treatment, based on patient’s consent and goals (as appropriate).
The suggestion of resources that can be helpful in addressing patient’s sexual concerns and in facilitating patient’s access to those resources.
The citation of relevant professional literature and integration of that literature into case conceptualization.

Substance Abuse
The discussion of intervention approaches appropriate to the needs of the specific population and the assessed substance use history.
The selection of appropriate evidence-based substance use intervention and prevention integrated into a team treatment approach.
The description of community resources and referrals related to substance use prevention and intervention.
The demonstration of serial evaluation and documentation of intervention effectiveness of substance use intervention.

The discussion of how findings from pain assessment impact patient intervention, course, and outcome.
The selection of evidence-based pain intervention strategies with attention to specific population-based needs integrated into the interprofessional team treatment context.
The description of a comprehensive approach to pain management including nonpharmacological interventions and focus on participation and quality of life.

Vocational and Educational Issues
The discussion of the client/patient’s vocational and education history, and the influence of disability upon current vocational and education status, as well as future goals.
The demonstration of awareness and utilization of community vocational resources (e.g., state Vocational Rehabilitation services) and educational resources (e.g., school-based disability services) as warranted.
The demonstration of willingness to communicate with employers, school personnel, university office of disability services, or managers of volunteer organizations to assist with disability education and implementation of accommodations.

1) Peer
The demonstration of active consultation among treatment team and disciplinary peers to enhance treatment team function and client/patient treatment effectiveness.
The discussion of the challenges involved in shared treatment planning, cotreatment, and timely shared data related to treatment.

2) Community and Organizational
Description of the delivery of active consultation with community and organizational resources to enhance client/patient treatment outcomes.
Articulation of expertise related to community resources (referral to patient advocacy organizations such as Brain Injury Association of America, United Spinal Association, etc.).
Description of participation in rehabilitation community organizations such as educational seminars and presentations to groups serving rehabilitation populations, serving on boards of directors and committees for relevant local community groups.

The demonstration of commitment to individual client/patient rights, equitable treatment, privacy/confidentiality and autonomy in all aspects of health care within the treatment team, with family-support system members, and in the community in the context of discharge planning and community re-integration.
The discussion of at least one instance of participation in intervention, education or outreach in the service of client/patient rights, equitable treatment, privacy/confidentiality and/or autonomy (with the client/patient, other health care providers, family, social support system, employer, or health care facilities/systems).

Disability Issues
The demonstration of active promotion of disability rights, recognition, equitable social opportunities, accommodations, cultural identity at individual client/patient, facility, local, state and/or national levels via intervention, education, legislative testimony, political activism, etc.
The demonstration of at least one instance of intervention, education, or political action (at any level including patient, family, treatment team, healthcare facility, local, regional, state, or national levels or professional organizations) that promotes disability rights, recognition, equitable social opportunities, accommodations, and/or cultural identity.
The demonstration of awareness of current issues in disability by citing relevant literature, which may include foundational works on disability as an identity variable (e.g., Beatrice Wright, Dana Dunn, Rhoda Olkin, etc.), case law, or issues/cases in the public domain.

Consumer Protection
Federal Legislative Statutes
The demonstration of a working knowledge of disability-relevant federal laws (e.g., Americans with Disability Act, Americans with Disabilities Act – as Amended, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) as they apply to the individuals described in the Practice Sample, as well as the population of individuals with disabilities.
The discussion of at least one federal statute or case law (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act [ADAAA], the Rehabilitation Act, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], Tarasoff case, etc.) and its application to the case or Candidate’s clinical practice.
The discussion of at least one federal standard in practice (e.g. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA], Patriot Act, etc.) as they apply to Candidate’s clinical practice.
The demonstration of awareness of the potential of a violation of patient privacy/confidentiality.

State Legislative Statutes
The demonstration of a working knowledge of state statutes regarding the practice of psychology, definitions of disability and standards of care.
The discussion of at least one state statute or case law and its application in the practice sample or chosen vignette case (e.g., duty to warn, mandatory reporting of abuse/neglect, competency standards, etc.).
The discussion of the application of at least one state standard in practice (e.g.
worker’s compensation, motor vehicle license, consent for therapy, etc.).

Community Health and Safety Resources
The demonstration of a working knowledge of community resources supporting client/patient safety and security (e.g., fire and police services, suicide hotline services, public health clinics, mental health services, social services, abuse hotline, etc.)
The discussion of at least one community program and its application to the case (e.g., vocational rehabilitation, adult protective services, etc.).
The discussion of at least one aspect of client safety (e.g., consideration of abuse reporting).

The following competency domains will only be addressed for those Candidates who engage in these areas of practice as part of their ongoing activity as a Rehabilitation Psychologist.

The articulation of an awareness of research methodology, techniques of data collection and data analysis.
The demonstration of engagement in research and contribution to the literature in Rehabilitation Psychology.
The articulation of the application of one’s own body of research to Rehabilitation Psychology.
The description of behavior that comports with the ethical principles outlined by the Belmont Report (1979 and 1981) and all Federal Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects or the “Common Rule.”
The description of behavior that comports with the ethical principles outlined by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2010).

1) Management / Administration
The articulation of one’s agency’s approach to measuring rehabilitation outcomes and sharing with stakeholders.
The description of state and federal regulatory bodies influencing one’s facility and their role in meeting standards, as well as efforts to advocate for rehabilitation services.
The description of approaches to hiring, supervising and evaluating direct hires and addressing one’s facility’s approach to meeting core psychology ethical standards (e.g., confidentiality, record storage,).
The articulation of one’s role in management and line of command for addressing critical clinical, ethical and personnel issues.

2) Supervision
The articulation of a model of supervision that considers the level of professional development of the supervisee.
The demonstration of an awareness of the impact of diversity in the supervisory relationship.
The description of an awareness of the importance of disability and rehabilitation psychology values in the conduct of clinical supervision.
The implementation of processes for establishing and maintaining ethical supervisory relationships and awareness of legal and institutional policies, and professional standards and guidelines relevant to supervision including adherence to the APA Guidelines for Clinical Supervision in Health Service Psychology (2014) and Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct (2010)

3) Teaching
The integration of current research and professional literature germane to Rehabilitation Psychology.
The inclusion of diversity issues impacting the topic.
The modification of presentation methods and materials to enhance students’ engagement with and understanding of the material, including clinical examples in rehabilitation settings.
The solicitation of feedback regarding teaching methods and materials and incorporation of this information in ongoing course and presentation development.