Laura Shultz, PsyD

Board certification is an annual certification that is due January 1. A specialist has a grace period of 15 days to submit the attestation and pay the associated dues before a late fee is charged. To be listed on the public directory, the specialist must be current (meaning the attestation needs to be submitted before January 1).

This directory lists all current ABPP board certified psychologists.  If a name does not appear, that individual 1) is either not board certified through ABPP or 2) has not maintained the above requirements.  It is possible that an individual has overlooked providing the attestation and fee; if an individual claims to be ABPP board certified and is not listed in this directory, it is appropriate to contact ABPP (

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NameLaura Shultz PsyD
Address1211 Union Suite 330
Memphis, TN 38104
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Contact Email:
Licensed In
  • Arkansas
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
Language(s) of Service
  • English
Board Certified In
  • Clinical Health Psychology
Retired Status No