Let’s MOC and Roll

The content below was sent as an email newsletter to all specialists on September 17, 2024. We have added it here by popular demand!


Maintenance of certification (MOC) will
be a headlining event starting in 2025.

We have been hard to work to simplify and clarify the MOC process for our ABPP specialists. This email will provide some reminders and recent updates.

1. MOC is optional for any specialty certification earned before 1/1/2015. An ABPP specialist who achieved a certification before 1/1/2015 may opt in or opt out of MOC usingĀ this form. Should you wish to change your decision in the future, you will be permitted to do so.

2. MOC is required for any specialty certification on or after 1/1/2015. To see when MOC is due, please visitĀ this page. One may begin the MOC process at eight years after the date of specialty certification. For example, someone who achieved a specialty certification on 6/1/2015 may begin the process on 6/1/2023. MOC must be completed by December 31 of the tenth year after the specialty certification was earned. To use the preceding example, the specialist would need to complete MOC successfully by 12/31/2025.

3. MOC is not required for specialists who haveĀ switched to retired statusĀ or who have the legacy lifetime/emeritus status.

4. We have extensively refined and simplified the web-based interface for MOC. The vast majority of specialists are able to complete the process in 75-90 minutes. You may save your progress at any time and finish it later. That means that MOC should only require 1.5 hours or less every 10 years.

5. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one may have had trouble meeting the requirements for MOC. As such, anyone certified in 2015-2016 may request an extension due to pandemic related hardship usingĀ this form. These pandemic related extensions are granted automatically; no review is required. They automatically add two years to the MOC cutoff year. However, they are only available for those certified between 1/1/2015 and 12/31/2016.Ā 

6. As of September 2024, specialists who successfully complete MOC will receive 2 continuing education (CE) credits.