On Board
with Professional Psychology
Issue 2

Letter from Outgoing ABPP BOT President
Brenda J. Spiegler, PhD, CPsych, ABPP

Letter from Incoming ABPP BOT President
J. Rick Day, MBA, PhD, PsyD, ABPP
Donate to the ABPP Foundation!
When you consider your charitable contributions during the 2024 year, please consider giving to the American Board of Professional Psychology Foundation. Your gift will benefit...
2023 Year-End Board of Trustees Meeting
The Board of Trustees of the American Board of Professional Psychology attended the annual year-end meeting in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on November 30-December 2,...
Ethics Corner
Introducing the Ethics Corner
On behalf of the ABPP Ethics Committee, it is a pleasure to announce the launch of the “Ethics Corner” in 2024 which will be found in the On Board with Professional Psychology publication. The Ethics...
Read MoreArticles
- Adriana Sum Miu, Leonardo Caraballo
- Lindsay Phillips, Leonardo Caraballo
- Jonathan G. Perle, Jennifer Cecilione Herbst
- Jonathan G. Perle, Carly E. McCord
- William Frye, Sarah Sobalvarro

On Board with Professional Psychology (previously The Specialist) was transitioning to its current online format during 2022 year, and thus did not publish a list of candidates boarded during that year. To honor and recognize all of our newly boarded candidates, those who were boarded during both years are included in this issue.
Congratulations, and welcome to the ABPP specialist community!
Call for Papers

On Board with Professional Psychology is requesting brief articles for our next issue, to be published in June 2024. Please consider submitting pieces that would be broadly informative to ABPP specialists across disciplines, as well as pieces that address hot topics from within your speciality. We welcome your pitches and ideas.