Interview With a Board Certified Specialist

Jamylah K. Jackson, PhD, ABPP Clinical Psychology Q. What is your practice like?A. I am a staff psychologist on the Mental Health Trauma Services team at the Dallas VA Medical Center. My clinical work involves providing individual and group psychotherapy for returning veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. I joined our staff in 2006, after … Read more


Can experienced geropsychologists be grandfathered? No – but there is a senior option whereby those geropsychologists with 15 or more years of serving older adults (in clinical services, teaching, administrative, and/or research capacities) are exempt from the education and supervision minimal requirements. For the minimal screening requirements, what counts as an ‘age-related’ course? Obviously, any … Read more

Welcome Letter from the Specialty Board President

Kathleen T. Bechtold, PhD, ABPP Welcome! Your interest in highlighting your specialty expertise in Rehabilitation Psychology demonstrates your commitment to the field and the service of people with disabilities. As psychologists who practice in this specialty area, we serve people across the lifespan who have been affected by injury, illness or a chronic condition that … Read more