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Specialist and Pipeline Reports

Welcome, . On this page, you may generate three types of reports. Please select your specialty board from the first dropdown item and the report type from the second dropdown item. Every report will display the first name, last name, and email address of the individuals to whom the report applies (i.e., applicants/candidates or specialists). The three report types also provide specific information.

  1. Attestation report. This will show you the attestation status for each specialist and his/her/their role(s). The most salient distinction is between a specialist and a reviewer. All reviewers are specialists, but not all specialists are reviewers. Only those current with attestation may serve as reviewers. For a complete guide, please click the link, “What do all of the values mean?”
  2. Pipeline report. This will show each applicant or candidate in the selected specialty board’s pipeline, their application type, and current status. For a complete guide, please click the link, “What do all of the values mean?”
  3. MOC report. This will show you each specialist’s MOC eligibility year and if MOC is optional for that person. (MOC is optional for any specialty certification awarded before 2015.) The final column indicates if the person opted into MOC. Please note that every specialty certification awarded in 2015 or later has a value of no for this field since there is no option to opt out.

application_fee_paidPaid application fee.
awaiting_asppbApplies only to early entry applicants. Waiting for ASPPB credential packet to be submitted before application may be submitted.
application_submittedSubmitted application. Awaiting Transcripts and License Verification.
application_under_general_reviewApplication under Executive Officer’s review.
application_under_standards_reviewApplication under Standards Committee’s review.
application_under_specialty_reviewApplication under review with the specialty board.
application_rejectedApplication rejected for any reason (general or specialty).
application_passedApplication passed general and specialty review.
currentAttestation is current.
current_plusPlaceholder each year to account for overlap. Example: In November of any given year, there will be some people who have completed attestation for the following year, and their attestation is current_plus. By contrast, the rest of folks are current.
expiredAttestation has not been submitted for over 2 years. Should not be using ABPP status.
lateAttestation is late; one year. Should not be using ABPP status.
lifetime_emeritusAttestation is lifetime/emeritus and current. This is a legacy classification that is no longer offered.
oral_exam_registeredRegistered for oral exam.
oral_exam_passedPassed oral exam.
oral_exam_failedFailed oral exam.
practice_sample_registeredRegistered for practice sample.
practice_sample_submittedSubmitted practice sample.
practice_sample_under_reviewPractice sample under review.
practice_sample_passedPractice sample passed. This ends the process for ABCN Pediatric and Psychoanalysis; all 17 boards continue to oral exam.
practice_sample_rejectedPractice sample rejected.
registered_accountSubmitted registration form and made account. Waiting for submission of application.
withdrewApplicant or candidate withdrew from the ABPP process for this specialty board.
written_exam_registeredApplies only to ABCN, ABCN Pediatric, and ABFP. Registered for written exam.
written_exam_passedApplies only to ABCN, ABCN Pediatric, and ABFP. Passed the written exam.
written_exam_failedApplies only to ABCN, ABCN Pediatric, and ABFP. Failed the written exam.