

The American Academy of School Psychology (AASP) is organized for the purpose of contributing to the development and maintenance of school psychology practice at its highest level for the protection and well-being of the public, the profession and the Academy membership. The American Academy of School Psychology is an association of psychologists who through their training, education and experience identify themselves as School Psychologists and who have been qualified as Diplomates by the American Board of School Psychology. The Academy is committed to furthering the American Board of Professional Psychology’s recognition of excellence in the practice of School Psychology. The Academy’s mission is to:
  • articulate the highest standards of education, training and credentialing for the school psychology specialty
  • facilitate the application of the principles of professional psychology to the practice of school psychology
  • to facilitate the application of scientific activity to practice
  • promote board certification of school psychologists
  • elect members of the American Board of School Psychology (ABSP)
  • identify eligible AASP Fellows to be trained to serve as mentors and oral examiners for potential Diplomates in School Psychology
  • encourage professional development activity in school psychology
  • engage in advocacy activities leading to recognition of the ABPP Diplomate in School Psychology
  • confer professional recognition to Academy Fellows who have made outstanding contributions to the specialty of school psychology and
  • provide the opportunity for professional fellowship among current and potential Diplomates

Article I. Name and Purpose

The name of this organization shall be The American Academy of School Psychology, (hereafter referred to as the Academy).

The purpose of the Academy shall be to advance School Psychology as a science and practice and to promote and enhance the discipline in its various settings and through its professional organizations. Specifically, these purposes are:

A. To recognize, recommend and otherwise support board certification in School Psychology.
1. Support the American Board of School Psychology (ABSP) and the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).
2. Nominate candidates for service on the American Board of School Psychology (ABSP).
3. Nominate candidates for examiner training to the American Board of School Psychology.
4. Recruit and encourage prospective candidates to pursue the Diplomate in School Psychology.
5. Maintain a mentorship program to assist prospective candidates in pursuit of the Diplomate.

B. To advance School Psychology as a science and practice.
1. Develop, review and articulate high standards of professional practice in school psychology.
2. Provide opportunities for continuing education for school psychologists at
all levels.
3. Sponsor various public relations activities for school psychologists.
4. Support and participate with other psychological organizations in professional activities.

C. To facilitate communication between members of the Academy.

Article II. Fellows, Members and Affiliates

Section 1. Fellows
A. Fellows: All Specialists in School Psychology are Fellows of the Academy.
B. Retired Fellows: Specialists in School Psychology who have declared their
retirements from professional practice by written request to the Secretary of the Academy are Retired Fellows of the Academy.

Section 2. Honorary Members
A. Doctoral School Psychologists who are established and recognized leaders in the field of School Psychology, who show a demonstrated interest in the Specialist in School Psychology, and who are endorsed by a majority of the Fellows of the Academy in good standing may become Honorary Members of the Academy upon a vote of the membership.

Section 3. Associate Members
A. Non-Specialist Doctoral level school psychologists who are candidates for the Specialist and who at the time apply to the Academy for membership are considered Associate Members.

Section 4. Student Affiliates
A. Doctoral students who are affiliated with national school psychology associations and sponsored by Academy Fellow(s) are eligible for membership as Student Affiliates. Membership is contingent upon completion of an application and payment of yearly dues.

Article III. Rights and Privileges

Section 1. Voting and Other Rights
A. Only Fellows and Retired Fellows in good standing may vote on By-Laws changes, nominate candidates or run for and hold office within the Academy.
B. Honorary members, Associate members and Student Affiliates may serve on committees.

Section 2. Termination
A. Fellows, associate members and student affiliates may voluntarily terminate membership in the Academy by written notification to the Secretary. Fellowship, membership or affiliation in the Academy is not a right, but a privilege, which may be terminated for cause. Fellows, members and affiliates will be terminated from the Academy for violation of: the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct or the Professional Conduct Manual and Principles for Professional Conduct of the National Association of School Psychologists, the ethical principles of a state or provincial psychological association, the rules of a state or provincial psychology licensing board or if convicted of a felony.

Section 3. Application and Admissions Procedures
A. Fellows and Retired Fellows: No application is required. Fellowship in the Academy is automatic following the successful completion of the Diplomate examination. Members may retire by written request to the Secretary of the Academy.
B. Honorary Members: Members may be self-nominated or nominated in writing by any Fellow of the Academy for a three (3) year term, but are screened and selected by the Executive Committee for inclusion on the election ballot. Voting and endorsement by 20% of the Fellows in good standing is required for Honorary Membership status. Under unusual circumstances, the Executive Committee has the option of nominating an Honorary Member for a second three (3) year term, on the basis of the Executive Committee’s knowledge of the Honorary Member’s status regarding leadership and commitment to the Diplomate in School Psychology.
C. Associate Membership: Associate Membership is granted upon application, completion, and submission of supporting documents and approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Use of Titles to Designate Academy Status
A. Only Fellows and Retired Fellows may use a title to designate Academy status. This title shall be: “Fellow of the American Academy of School Psychology: or the acronym “FAASP”.

Article IV. Dues

Section 1. Annual Dues and Special Assessments
A. The Executive Committee of the Academy shall institute annual dues in an amount required to sustain the Academy. The Executive Committee may also recommend special assessments for extraordinary, non-reoccurring expenses, which must be approved by a majority of those voting by mail ballot.

Section 2. Payment of Dues\Good Standing
A. Good standing is herein defined as individuals who are current with dues payments and any special assessments.
B. Dues are payable in advance of the first day of the membership year, which begins on January 1.
C. Membership renewal notices will be mailed by the Treasurer at least sixty days prior to the end of the membership year.
D. Fee structure:

Fellows: 100%
Retired Fellows: 50%
Honorary and Associate Members: 50%
Student Affiliates: 20%

New Diplomates: First year dues only = 0%

Section 3. Suspension of Privileges
A. Individuals whose dues are not received within 60 days of the membership year will not be considered members in good standing and shall have their various rights and privileges suspended.

Article V. Governance

Section 1. Structure
A. The Academy shall be governed by the provisions of these by-laws and the actions taken at annual meetings, special meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee. Minutes shall be taken at all such meetings and copies of the minutes shall be provided to the membership periodically along with other communications. The Executive Committee shall have responsibility to act for the Academy between annual meetings. All official meetings of the Academy shall be conducted according to Kesey’s Rules of Order. The Academy is a volunteer organization and officers shall receive no compensation for their services. They may, however be reimbursed for expenses to the extent approved by the Executive Committee and within the resources available.

Section 2. Annual Meetings
A. The Academy shall have at least one Annual Meeting to be held in
conjunction with the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to receive reports from the President and Treasurer, announce the election of new officers and transact other business as needed. Business conducted at the Annual meeting will require approval by a majority vote of those present. A quorum will consist of three (3) members of the Executive Committee. If a quorum does not exist, motions made will be sent by mail to all members of the Executive Committee and shall pass by a simple majority of those voting by mail. The Executive Committee may also submit proposals to the membership for vote between annual meetings.

Section 3. Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of five (5) officers: President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) Committee members. Executive Committee meetings may be held by conference call. Minutes will be approved by a majority vote of Fellows and Retired Fellows in good standing and be kept for all Executive Committee meetings, with indication of action(s) taken.

Section 4. Duties of Officers
A. The President shall be the chief administrative officer, obliged to carry out decisions of the Executive Committee and be responsible for acting on behalf of the Academy between annual meetings with the advice and consent of the Committee. The President may create committees to carry out the affairs of the Academy and shall make a report at the Annual Meeting regarding the status of the Academy. The President-Elect shall act in the absence of, or upon request of the President and will immediately occupy the position if vacated by the President. The President-Elect will also chair the Recruitment Committee. The Past-President shall serve if the President-Elect is unable to do so and shall be responsible for all elections. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all meetings including those held by conference call, providing notice of meetings; mailing ballots related to elections and approval of motions and shall disseminate other information to the membership as needed. The Treasurer shall be responsible for mailing notices for annual dues and special assessments, collection of dues and assessments, disbursements of funds for reimbursement of expenses approved by the Committee and maintenance of accurate and timely records of the finances of the Academy. The Treasurer shall report the financial status of the Academy at the Annual Meeting.

Section 5. Removal of Officers
A. Officers are expected to act in accordance with these by-laws. An officer may be removed for cause by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 6. Terms of Office
A. An election for the office of President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer
shall be held annually. The person elected President-Elect will move successively through the positions of President and Past-President, with each office having a one-year term. The Secretary and Treasurer will each serve terms of two (2) years beginning on January 1. If a position is vacated before the expiration of the term, it will be filled by appointment of the President until the next regular election.

Section 7. Elections
A. Any Fellow in good standing may run for and hold office. The Past-President will chair the Academy Elections Committee, and shall select with the approval of the President two additional Fellows (who are not candidates for current office) to complete the committee. No less than ninety (90) days before the Annual Meeting, the Nominations Chair shall have the Secretary mail nomination ballots to members, which shall be returned within the following thirty (30) days. Election ballots will then be mailed by the Secretary to members no less than forty-five (45) days before the Annual Meeting and returned within thirty (30) days. The ballot will include the two (2) individuals for each office who have received the most nominations and votes for each office. The Past-President will count the votes, inform the President of the results, notify the winners and losers, and officially announce the results at the Annual Meeting at which time those elected will assume office. Ballots will be saved for inspection for a period of one (1) year.

Section 8. Committee Formation
A. The Executive Committee shall establish standing committees as necessary to perform regular and necessary functions of the Academy. The President may establish task forces and ad hoc committees as necessary for specific purposes. Such task forces and ad hoc committees shall be established for no longer than one year unless reauthorized by the President. The Chair of each task force and ad hoc committee shall, with the advice and consent of the President choose committee members and submit them to the Executive Committee for approval.

Section 9. Standing Committees
A. The Academy Election Committee shall be responsible for selecting a slate of nominees for positions in the Academy. These candidates will be elected by majority vote. No member of the Academy Election Committee shall be a candidate for office during their period of service on the committee.
B. The Recruitment Committee shall be responsible for the recruitment of new Diplomates (Fellows), as well as Honorary Members and Student Affiliates.
C. The Continuing Education Committee shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of Continuing Education Programs in conjunction with other professional organizations.
D. The Academy Nominating Committee shall be responsible for:
1) submitting a list of potential examiners for training by the American Board of School Psychology (ABSP).
2) Submitting a slate of candidates who are willing and able to serve on the ABSP Board.

Article VI. Ratification and Amendments

A. The by-laws shall initially enter into force upon approval by a simple majority of votes returned.
B. Amendments proposed by the Executive Committee or by petitions of 10% of Fellows in good standing.
C. Amendments shall be presented by mail to the Fellows and passed by a simple majority of votes returned.