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Specialty Boards & Academy Awards

Policy: Each Specialty Board President and/or Specialty Academy President may award one specialist within their specialty to recognize the specialist’s service to their specialty board and/or the academy. The specialist recognized is to be determined by the specialty board president and/or specialty academy president. By June 1 of the year, the award is to be conferred, and the Awards and Recognition chair will solicit all specialty board and academy presidents to offer a Specialty Award recipient. The deadline for informing the Awards and Recognition Committee chair of a Specialty Award recipient is July 15. The Awards and Recognition Committee chair will notify the recipient of the award, and the awardee will be invited to receive the award at the Convocation ceremony if ABPP is hosting one. If the awardee is unable to attend Convocation, the award will be mailed to the awardee. 

Each year, submissions will be accepted between June 1 and July 15.