Book Prize

Awards Committee:

Ronald C. Naso, PhD, ABPP, 11 Highline Trail, Stamford, CT 06902

Jon Mills, PsyD, PhD, C.Psych, ABPP
1104 Shoal Point Road, Ajax, ON  L1S 1E2, Canada

Note: When shipping books to Canada, please mark on any postal forms that the material is “printed matter.” Mark “NCV” on the forms and record the parcel as a “gift” or the package may be refused.

Robert Prince, Ph.D, ABPP, 48 Beverly Road, Great Neck, New York 11021.1445

Karen Maroda, PhD, ABPP, 4825 N. Cumberland Blvd, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

2022 Book Prize Winners
(for books published in 2021)

Alchemical imagery on book cover by Stanton Marlan
Caregory: Theoretical
Marlan, S. (2021). CG Jung and the Alchemical Imagination: Passages into the Mysteries of the Psyche and Soul. Routledge.
Cover of Psychoanalytic Supervision by Nancy McWilliams
Caregory: Clinical
McWilliams, N. (2021). JPsychoanalytic Supervision. Guilford.
Book cover on psychoanalysis by Charles Levin
Caregory: Ethics
Levin, C. (2021). Social Aspects of Sexual Boundary Trouble in Psychoanalysis: Responses to the Work of Muriel Dimen. Routledge.
Book cover: Reading Freud's Three Essays Analysis
Caregory: Historical
Van Haute, P. and Westerink, H. (2021). Reading Freud’s Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. Routledge.
Book cover: Migration and Intercultural Psychoanalysis themes
Caregory: Edited
White, K. and Klingenberg, I., (2021). Migration and Intercultural Psychoanalysis: Unconscious Forces and Clinical Issues. Routledge.

Book Prize Winners in Previous Years