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- Certification Fees

Fees are paid online, non-refundable, and subject to change without notice.
Application Fees
$ 125.00 Regular & Senior
$ 65.00 Early Career Psychologists (ECP)*
$ 25.00 Early Entry ($100 discount), must be pre-licensure
Fee Waived Already Board Certified
Fee Waived Training Directors
*ABPP recognizes the importance of Early Career Psychologists (ECP) to the future of the profession and has provided a discount to those psychologists. To qualify for the ECP application rate of $65, you must have earned your psychology doctoral degree no more than ten calendar years before the year in which you apply. (e.g., for 2024, the degree must have been granted in 2014 or after). Effective 7/1/2018.
Exam Fees
Practice Sample: $250.00
Oral Exam:** $450.00
Written Exam:*** $300.00
**Forensic Oral exam fee $550.00
***only applicable for Clinical Neuropsychology & Forensic Psychology
A $100 reciprocal discount is offered for applicants who are Certificate of Professional Qualification (CPQ) holders, and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) offers a $100 discount for ABPP specialists applying for the CPQ.
Fees are subject to change without notice.