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2024 Specialty Boards & Academies Awardees

In alphabetical order by Specialty Boards & Academies

Clinical Psychology Board & Academy

Awardee: Lindsay Phillips, PsyD, ABPP

This award is in recognition of Dr. Phillips’ exceptional service to the American Board of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Phillips has served in many roles, including President, and has advanced the diversity and inter-organizational collaboration of the board.

Clinical Health Psychology Board

Awardee: Jeff Goodie, PhD, ABPP

Dr. Goodie deserves this award for exemplary service. He has served on the ABCHP board for over 15 years – serving in multiple roles including president, credentials reviewer, oral examiner, and currently serving as the ABCHP representative on the BOT. During his service as president, he guided ABCHP through challenges associated with the pandemic. In addition to his service with ABCHP, he has also served public with distinction with 9 years in the US Air Force and 13 years with the US Public Health Service.

Clinical Neuropsychology Board & Academy

Awardee: Laura Flashman, PhD, ABPP

The American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN) and the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) are pleased to jointly nominate Dr. Laura Flashman for the ABPP Specialty and Academy Award for 2024. Dr. Flashman has served the specialty of neuropsychology admirably in several roles. First, she has served two terms as the ABCN representative to the ABPP BOT. Dr. Flashman has also served as an ABCN oral examiner and on the ABCN board of directors. Finally, Dr. Flashman has been instrumental in working on the ABCN written exam committee and is currently chairing the revision process.

Forensic Psychology Board & Academy

Awardee: David DeMatteo, PhD, ABPP

Dr. David DeMatteo brought a wealth of forensic and legal knowledge, as well as leadership experience, to his positions on the board. In addition to participating in numerous oral examinations, Dr. DeMatteo served as Practice Sample Review Chair for three years, bringing several improvements to the practice sample review process, including implementing a Likert scale to facilitate a more structured review of the candidate’s materials. As president of the board, Dr. DeMatteo updated the Board orientation materials by clarifying board role descriptions and removing outdated language. During his term on the board, Dr. DeMatteo accepted an appointment to chair the committee rewriting the APA Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology. He continues to serve the profession in this role.

Geropsychology Board

Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, PhD, ABPP

Dr. Gallagher-Thompson is a luminary in the field of Geropsychology, having been a prolific author, clinician, educator, and advocate for many decades.  She has served in ABGERO’s leadership since its nascence in 2014 and has tirelessly spearheaded inclusion and recruitment efforts, among other critical board endeavors.  ABGERO and Geropsychology in general owe her a debt of gratitude for her commitment and effectiveness as a thought and practice leader in the field.

Group Psychology Board & Academy

Awardee: Noelle Lefforge PhD, ABPP

Dr. Lefforge, since graduating in 2010, served and advocated for group psychology in as many leadership roles as psychologists do in a lifetime. She was the president of Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy (APA Division 49), board member of International Board of Certification of Group Psychotherapists, and the American Board of Group Psychology (ABGP). She had many leadership positions in the Nevada Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association. She is currently representing ABGP on the Board of Trustees and is APA fellow