Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the Board) shall be the chief governing body of the Academy and shall have full power and authority over the affairs and funds of the Academy within the limitations set by these bylaws, ABPP bylaws, and law. The Board shall establish policies and directives governing business and programs of the Academy.
B. The Board shall consist of no less than four (4) and no more than seven (7) members who shall supervise, direct, and manage the activities of the Academy. Four members shall be Officers of the Board and the remainder (if any) shall be Members-at-Large.
C. All members of the Board shall be Fellows of the Academy in good standing.
D. The Board will strive for diversity in gender, ethnicity, cultural background, ability status, sexual orientation, and professional background in its representation.
E. Appointments: Board members shall be appointed by the President of the Academy, except for the President-Elect/Secretary position. The President-Elect/Secretary shall be appointed by the President of the American Board of Clinical Health Psychology (ABCHP) from a slate of candidates provided by the Academy. Academy members shall be notified of upcoming vacancies on the Board in order to provide opportunity to express their interest to serve.
F. Terms of Office: Board members shall hold office for a term of two (2) years, beginning January 1 and ending December 31. Board member terms shall be staggered when possible. No Board member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms, with the exception of the presidential succession, which shall be sequential two (2) year terms as President-Elect/Secretary, President, and Past-President. In cases of vacancy of a board position, interim terms of less than two (2) years may be established to provide for continuity of membership on the Board. A board member completing a partial term shall be allowed to serve two (2) additional, consecutive terms (including the presidential succession, if applicable).
G. Resignation: Each Board member shall have the right to resign at any time upon written notice thereof to the President. Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
H. Removal: Board members are expected to act in accordance with these bylaws. The Board may remove any Board member for cause by two-thirds (2/3) vote during any regular meeting of the Board, provided that a statement of the reason(s) for removal shall have been mailed by registered mail to the Board member proposed for removal, and to the other Board members, at least thirty (30) days before any final action is taken by the Board. This statement shall be accompanied by a notice of the time when, and the place where, the Board is to take action on the removal. The Board member shall be given an opportunity to appear and be heard by the Board at the time and place stated in the notice (including by accessible technological means, such as telephone conference). The only grounds for removal of a Board member shall be:
a. Loss of qualifying credentials leading to revocation of ABPP Board Certification;
b. Termination of Academy membership for any cause.
c. Nonfeasance of office or of duties as a member of the Board; or
d. Malfeasance of office as a member of the Board.
I. Board Compensation: The Academy is a volunteer organization and members shall receive no compensation for their services; members may, however, be reimbursed for expenses incurred in behalf of the Academy to the extent approved by the Board and within the limits of available resources.