A. Board Certification in psychology is the wave of the future. Some institutions of higher learning now require board certification for promotion to full professor in psychology, and some hospitals require all their psychologists to be board certified.
B. It communicates to the public that board certified psychologists have met the necessary criteria and are committed to the highest level of competency in clinical health psychology.
C. Some organizations, such as the Department of Defense and the Public Health Service, provide additional pay for having board certification.
Candidates have one year to submit their practice samples. After the practice samples have been approved, the candidate may sit for the oral examination, which is offered 3 to 4 times per year (at least 2 of the exam offerings will be virtual).
No, but there is a Practice Sample requirement and an oral examination comprised of four components: Practice Sample, Standardized Clinical Case Assessment and Integration, Professional Issues and Identification, and Ethics.
Please click here to be redirected to the Certification Fees page.
- Specialist Active Fee $210 – Specialists holding multiple certifications or a subspecialty have an additional fee of $50 (Total $260)
- Specialist Retired Fee $50 – Retired is defined as, “No longer derive income from working as a psychologist.”
Yes, once your credentials have been approved and you have a draft of your practice sample/portfolio and professional statement, contact the President of the American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology who will connect you with a mentor. Mentorship is strongly recommended but not required. Mentors are experienced, board certified clinical health psychologists who will provide general guidance to assist candidates in completing the board certification process in a timely manner.
We do not offer any senior option or special considerations for seasoned health psychologists. However, all candidates have the option of selecting practice samples in program development/management and consultation, which are often selected by senior candidates to showcase their practice and contributions in the field. For more information, please refer to the ABCHP candidate manual
Yes. You will earn 40 CE (including 3 in ethics), for passing the ABPP Oral Examination.
Yes! Many board certified clinical health psychologists identify as pediatric health psychologists. We welcome applicants who work exclusively with children and/or adolescents. At all stages of the board certification process, Clinical Health Psychology competencies can be demonstrated regardless of the candidate’s area of focus within the lifespan.
No. A Clinical Health Psychologist is not defined by the setting in which they work; but instead by their expertise in the prevention and treatment of disease and disability using psychological knowledge and methods. Psychologists without a health psychology focus, such as those with a traditional clinical focus or with another specialty care focus, do work in primary care settings, as well; however, the target of their interventions is primarily on mental health issues. Regardless of the setting, Clinical Health Psychologists would consider the effects of behavior, social, and psychological factors on health and medical outcomes. We encourage psychologists working in primary care settings to review the Instructions for Practice Samples from Integrated Primary Care Settings in the Candidate Manual prior to submitting an initial application for candidacy to confirm that their work aligns with requirements to demonstrate Clinical Health Psychology practice.
The two work closely together, and Division 38 members have voiced strong support for board certification in clinical health psychology. However, a psychologist who is board certified in clinical health psychology is strongly encouraged but not required to be a member of Division 38.
Yes. Upon completion of ABCHP certification and with confirmation of Division 38 membership, ABCHP will the reimburse some of the cost of your certification fees.