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Specialty Specific Requirements 

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Specialty Specific Requirements for Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology

To be eligible for certification in any ABPP subspecialty, applicants must first meet all eligibility requirements of the parent Board overarching the subspecialty, as demonstrated by attaining Parent Specialty Board certification.

Applicants who wish to pursue subspecialization in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology are required to complete an online application detailing their specific training and clinical experience in the subspecialty.

If you are a Specialist and have board certification in Clinical Neuropsychology, click HERE for the Specialist’s Application. If you are applying concurrently for Clinical Neuropsychology and Pediatric Clincal Neuropsychology, click HERE for the Regular/Early Career application.

The following are criteria approved by the ABCN Board of Directors and ABPP Board of Trustees for advancement to candidacy in the subspecialty of Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology:
A. Attestation of pediatric subspecialty practice within the two years prior to application.
B. Pediatric subspecialty experience as defined below:
  1. All applicants must document a minimum of 4000 hours (i.e., 2 years full-time or equivalent on a part-time basis) of post-doctoral experience within pediatric neuropsychology as a trainee or independent professional
  2. For applicants who completed doctoral training or re-specialization in clinical neuropsychology on or after January 1, 2005, at least 1000 of the above 4000 hours of postdoctoral clinical practice must be obtained under the supervision of a pediatric neuropsychologist. The qualifications of the supervisor may be requested as part of the application.
C. Reference Letters. All applicants must submit two (2) letters of reference from health professionals verifying that the applicant has practiced pediatric neuropsychology for at least two years prior to application and accrued a minimum of 4000 hours of experience in pediatric neuropsychology over their professional career. It is preferred that at least one of the individuals writing letters have ABPP certification in Clinical Neuropsychology, Fellow status in the APA Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (Division 40), or demonstrated a similar degree of advanced knowledge, education, training, and practice in pediatric neuropsychology.
  1. Applicants who earned their doctoral degree or re-specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology prior to January 1, 2005 must provide at least one letter from a pediatric neuropsychologist who is familiar with their work as a pediatric neuropsychologist.
  2. Applicants who earned their doctoral degree or re-specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology on or after January 1, 2005 must provide one letter which attests that at least 1000 of the required 4000 hours were obtained under supervision of a neuropsychologist whose practice is primarily devoted to pediatric neuropsychology. Preferably, this letter will be obtained directly from the postdoctoral supervisor.