For up-to-date information, you can find that information on our ABPP Directory website by searching only ABRP psychologist.
The doctoral degree program must have been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological
Association (APA) or the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) at the
time the degree was granted. Click here for “general requirements.”
Yes, you can. You will be expected to demonstrate specialty knowledge and application of that knowledge in the nine foundational competency
areas and 23 functional competency areas as well as any of the four supplementary competency areas (research, supervision, teaching, management/administration) that you practice in.
Although you do not need to be a member of Division 22 or any other specific Division or organization, part of the expectation is
that you demonstrate a commitment to Rehabilitation Psychology through participation in organization(s) that are oriented towards understanding disability and disabling conditions.
The Specialty Board recognizes that key supervisors may be unreachable for reasons such as retirement, relocation, and death. In such instances, the Specialty Board will work with the candidate to determine if supervisors other than those initially identified might be appropriate, or if there may be alternative means of documenting the supervision (e.g., through supervisory endorsements that are already on file with state licensing boards). In all circumstances, however, the ultimate responsibility for documenting supervision will rest with the applicant.
Clinical training is evaluated across graduate, internship, and postdoctoral settings. There is no requirement that one’s internship be specifically or exclusively focused on Rehabilitation Psychology.
Yes, you may solicit an endorsement from any professional who can attest
to your Rehabilitation Psychology skills, expertise, and experience. However, please note that at least one endorser should be a psychologist who can specifically speak to your specialty knowledge in Rehabilitation Psychology.
No, rehabilitation psychologists practice in a variety of settings with a
variety of populations. Your practice needs to be primarily the practice of
Rehabilitation Psychology but not in any particular setting.
Yes, you may apply, as long as you are licensed to practice psychology. It is preferred that one of your practice samples be a clinical case that you have seen within the past five years. However, all candidates must still display competencies in clinical skills relevant to rehabilitation psychology in the Oral Examination. If you serve in a clinical teaching role, it is possible to use case material from clients whose care you have supervised. Careful discussion with your mentor (see below) about using such a clinical case is recommended.
A Mentor is a guide to help you understand the Board certification process. The Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology oversees the Mentoring Program. Once you have had your credentialed reviewed and
approved and you have been invited to submit your Practice Sample, then you are eligible to request a Mentor from the ARP.
There is no written examination.
Yes, some modifications of the process are available for Senior applicants. Senior applicants are defined as a specialist applicant/candidate with 15 or more years of experience following licensure. The essential rationale is to encourage experienced, often distinguished, practitioners to take the examination, while recognizing longevity of experience and a more developed portfolio of practice in the specialty. There is one level of certification resulting from one examination, not a certified “distinguished” or “senior” descriptor. The criteria for a pass are the same for all candidates, allowing individual differences expected of all candidates. Applicants must meet the ABPP requirements for any specialty (e.g., doctoral degree in psychology; license to practice psychology independently). Supervisor verification of training may be waived due to length of time since training and increased likelihood that supervisors may not be available (see also FAQ on contacting supervisions above). Because Senior Exam candidates may have difficulty obtaining clinical practice samples, other evidence of competency in the specialty may be used (e.g., documentation of program development, articles, chapter, books, syllabi, supervising or consulting). The oral examination is required for the senior process, and is identical to – and thus as rigorous as – the oral examination for any ABRP candidate. There is no “senior examination” as such, but an option to flexibly apply past educational requirements and to modify practice sample submissions and some oral examination procedures.