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Rehabilitation Psychology
The Board Certification process is an opportunity for formal endorsement that a psychologist has the specialty knowledge and the skills to apply that knowledge in the practice of rehabilitation psychology. However, psychologists have various avenues through which they can acquire the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to apply them effectively in practice. Many psychologists have entered the field of rehabilitation psychology from diverse training backgrounds. Below are defined pathways that should allow the vast majority of psychologists who practice rehabilitation psychology to successfully pass the credentialing review and to be entered as a Candidate into the Board certification examination process.
Pathway 1
At least three years of experience in Rehabilitation Psychology (RP) practice, in which at least two of the three years would be supervised full-time (80%) experience.
Supervised experience can be satisfied by:
- Completion of a two-year APA accredited or “CRPPTP-member program” post-doctoral fellowship in rehabilitation psychology**
- Completion of a one-year internship with at least 80% in rehabilitation psychology and completion of a one- year APA accredited or “CRPPTP-member program” post-doctoral fellowship in rehabilitation psychology**
**Board certification reflects clinical competence in the field. Thus, a research post-doctoral training does not meet the requirement of supervised clinical training.
Pathway 2
- Completion of the equivalence of three years of consultation and supervised post-licensure practice experience with an emphasis in rehabilitation psychology under the supervision of a Board-certified Rehabilitation Psychologist and 60% of their full-time position (based upon a five-day work week) is dedicated to the practice of rehabilitation psychology.
Pathway 3
- Have been practicing rehabilitation psychology for at least five years, and 60% of their full-time position (based upon a five-day work week) in the last five years has been dedicated to the practice of rehabilitation psychology
- Have completed at least 120 hours of continuing education, specifically in rehabilitation psychology, within the last five years.
There may be other pathways that have led you to gain the specialty knowledge for the practice of rehabilitation psychology. If you have questions about whether your training, supervised, and/or post- graduate educational experiences meet criteria, please contact a member of the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology.