Steps In Applying

Step-by-step process illustration with arrows and numbers

Steps in Applying

  1. Review the ABPP Generic Requirements
  2. Also review the Specialty Specific Requirements (and Senior Option, if applicable) for the specialty board to which you are applying.

Before you begin, be sure to have:

  1. Information about your doctoral program.
  2. Information about your internship program.
  3. Details on your states/provinces/territories of licensure.
  4. Details on memberships you hold.
  5. History of any ethical violations.
  6. Endorsement forms or letters of recommendation (certain specialty boards only).
  7. Your current CV.
  8. Detailed answers and documentation regarding your experience in the specialty.
  9. Application Fee (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express).

Once you are done:

ABPP will begin review once all documentation is submitted.

  1. Transcripts directly from the institution that granted your doctoral degree. 
  2. Documentation of completion of internship, as described above.
  3. All  specialty specific materials. (The specialty board may have requirements including letters of recommendation and/or endorsement forms, providing information about specific coursework/training/experience, etc.
Materials and documentation are to be submitted during the time of online application.

Note: Unlicensed Students, Interns & Residents should use the Not Yet Licensed/Early Entry Application Form

If you are currently an ABPP Board Certified Specialist click here for the application