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The examination manual is updated periodically. Candidates currently in the examination process have six months from the date of the new manual (posted on the cover page) to complete and submit work samples that were initiated under the immediately previous version of the manual.  ALL work samples submitted six months after the posting date of the new manual must utilize that new manual or will be returned to the candidate.

No, that is not true. A Senior applicant must submit a work sample demonstrating substantial contributions to the discipline of Clinical Psychology – full description of the Senior work sample requirements can be found in the current examination manual.  The primary difference for the Senior work sample is that it does not require the video submission. However, Senior candidates are welcome to submit a video work sample if they so desire.

No, to be eligible for the Senior candidate option, you must have 15 years of independent practice licensed at the doctoral level.

No, there is no requirement that formal psychological testing be used in the assessment work sample. Candidates are welcome to submit psychological testing as a part of the Assessment work sample if they so desire.

No. The video work sample must be a true encounter where the therapeutic/professional relationship is observable.

Yes, the signed release to video is required for obvious reasons. Consistent with guidance provided in the examination manual, it should not be submitted as a component of the work sample submission because you need to protect the identity of all participants in your work samples. However, including the discussion of the release on the video is encouraged.

The examiners’ ability to directly observe a candidate’s clinical encounter with a patient and/or professional encounter with a supervisee has been deemed an essential component of the non-senior clinical exam process. Exceptions or waivers to this requirement are not granted.