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Christen A. Carson, PhD, ABPP
The specialty in Couple and Family Psychology (CFP) has a broad base and considers the effects of intrapersonal, interpersonal, environment and macro-systemic factors on psychological problems. Certification in CFP is valued by hospitals, the VA, the military, academic institutions, and consumers and systems who recognize this is the highest standard of professional practice.
Board certification in CFP is based on demonstrating knowledge, skill and experience in a systemic conceptualization and the application of systemic concepts to human behavior with explicit awareness of the importance of context, diversity and developmental perspectives to understand, assess, and treat individuals, couples, families and larger social systems.
CFP training is not readily available in many settings, so the Board recognizes and encourages demonstration of competency in a variety of ways, including but not limited to internship, graduate course, practica, post-graduation training and/or residency, supervision, teaching, research and publication.
Candidates can apply for CFP Board certification on the standard or senior track. Evidence of competency in assessment and intervention, consultation, teaching, supervision, and/or management or advocacy can be presented in the professional statement and/or work sample. The candidate will provide evidence of the application of individual and cultural diversity and ethical considerations.
Our board is committed to a positive collegial experience for applicants. You will have a mentor assigned to assist you through the process. The oral examination will address ten foundational competencies and the candidate’s choice of one additional functional competency with the goal of bringing out the candidate’s best areas.
We welcome your interest in board certification in Couple and Family Psychology. If you would have questions about the process or your eligibility, you can contact the ABCFP board here.
Christen A. Carson, PhD, ABPP
President, American Board of Couple and Family Psychology