Welcome Letter from the Specialty Board President

Lisa Stern, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the American Board of Group Psychology (ABGP). The ABGP is responsible for establishing criteria related to the definition, education, training, competencies, and the examination leading to certification as a specialist in Group Psychology. To this end, we serve the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) by recruiting and examining group psychologists. We are also advocates for group psychology and group psychotherapy. Governed by board certified members, we represent the specialty on a national basis. We also represent the Group Psychology Specialty Section of the American Board of Professional Psychology and are comprised of a merged Board of Directors and Academy.

Because group psychologists pursue ABPP at different times in their careers, we provide different pathways to membership.  Early Career Psychologist are psychologists within ten years of post-doctoral experience; the Senior Option is for psychologists with fifteen or more years of post-doctoral experience; for graduate students, we even provide a mentor until you are ready for the exam; and finally we offer the opportunity for co-boarding for those holding an ABPP in another specialty.  Click here to learn more about these pathways.

Part of our mission is to provide services to the public through the dissemination of research on the efficacy of group treatments as well as facilitating referrals to ABPP certified Psychologists. Our website simultaneously informs the public about group psychology while providing interested psychologists with information about the examination process and up-to-date information about the field. If you wish more information, please contact me directly.

Like all certifying groups, we serve both the public and fellow professionals. If we can be of assistance to you, please let us hear from you.