Former Award Recipients

ABPP psychology certification logo since 1947.

Distinguished Service and Contributions to the American Board of Professional Psychology Award

The “Distinguished Service and Contributions to the American Board of Professional Psychology” recognizes a Certified Specialist who has made significant contributions to the development and operation of the American Board of Professional Psychology by way of publications about or advocacy for board certification, involvement in ABPP administration or policy development, or other service to ABPP and its affiliated boards. The focus of this award is specifically focused on the individual’s contributions to ABPP and do not require recognition of a broad impact upon the profession as a whole.(Established in 2006 as the Russell J. Bent Award)

Team meeting in modern office setting

Distinguished Service to the Profession Award

The “Distinguished Service to the Profession Award” honors a Certified Specialist whose career represents outstanding contributions to psychology by way of research, professional publications, policy development and implementation, teaching, training, or advocacy for the profession. Nominations of individuals for this award should include a description of how their work impacted the profession of psychology, including their scientific and or scholarly publication achievements, teaching or training programs, and advocacy that is not limited to activities associated with one specialty board or academy.

Four people in business meeting shaking hands

Early Career Psychologist Service Award

Established to honor an Early Career, Board Certified Psychologist for notable contributions or service to ABPP and/or notable contributions to professional psychology.

Team collaborating over a project in office.

Art Nezu Dissertation Diversity Award

This prestigious award recognizes an individual whose dissertation makes an outstanding contribution to the field of diversity reflecting an ABPP specialty.

Teamwork and unity symbolized by joined hands

Early Career Psychology Diversity Award

The purpose of this award is to encourage early career psychologists and individuals from underrepresented groups to become board certified.

Man receiving certificate at podium award ceremony

Joel C. Frost Citizen Psychologist for Social Justice Award (formerly the ABPP Citizen Psychologist for Social Justice Award)

This award recognizes an ABPP Board Certified Psychologist who has made significant contributions in the areas of humanitarianism and social justice.