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Click here to view all awards, grants, and scholarships, including those through the ABPP Foundation.
Questions: Please contact the Specialty Board President regarding Specialty Board Awards, Grants and Scholarships and the Foundation Administrator for all others.
ABCCAP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
The ABCCAP Board of Directors are committed to promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and to support Psychology workforce who focuses on improving the behavioral health outcomes of underserved and minoritized populations. The goal of this award is to recognize applicants for boarding who promote diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice, broadly construed, through their clinical work, teaching, research, advocacy or other ABCCAP Functional Competencies. Experiences may derive from working with groups that include, but are not limited to: sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, religion, national origin, age/generation, language or military/veteran. This award is open to all applicants of all backgrounds (Regular and Senior Candidates). Your work needs to focus on DEI work. To be considered, please include the following with your initial application:
ABCCAP thinks of diversity using a broad and intersectional lens. In 500 words or less, please let us know in what ways have you contributed (and continue to plan to contribute if early career) to diversity, equity, and/or inclusion in clinical child/adolescent and/or pediatric psychology in your career?
(If awarded, ABCCAP will cover costs of the examination – up to $750 – following successful completion of boarding. The submission essay will not be included in materials in your examination portfolio. ABCCAP will issue this award annually contingent upon funding.)
ABCCAP Scholarship (Needs-Based) for ABCCAP Fees
The ABCCAP Board is committed to supporting Board Candidates without institutional support or funding that could be used to support examination costs. The purpose of this scholarship is to support a candidate who, without this financial support, would be unable to apply for boarding.
In 500 words or less, please explain reasons for applying for board certification in child/pediatric psychology and future career objectives in our specialty. Please include a statement indicating that you do not have institutional support/other funding to cover the examination.
Applicants must have completed credential review. If awarded, ABCCAP will reimburse the candidate for the cost of their examinations up to $750 provided the candidate remains in active candidacy and registers for the Oral Examination no later than 2 years from the date of award notice. ABCCAP will issue awards each year contingent upon funding. Application must be submitted at the time of initial application to candidacy. If an applicant is not admitted to candidacy, they are not eligible. Candidates are eligible to receive this funding once.