Welcome Letter from the Specialty Board President

Professional man in a formal business suit
Daniel A. Schroeder, PhD, ABPP

Greetings and welcome from the American Board of Organizational and Business Consulting Psychology (OBCP)! We appreciate your interest in the OBCP specialty designation.

The work of our community of OBCP specialists is quite varied.  Specialists work in the private and public sectors of business, academia, consulting firms, independent practice, government, military, and other professional settings.  Their work typically involves consultation with individuals, teams, and organizations, executive coaching, leadership development, and improving individual and aggregate work performance. There is no one educational path, degree, credential, work setting, or practice area that defines the OBCP specialist.  Some of our specialists trained as industrial-organizational (i-o) psychologists. Others began in clinical, counseling, or educational practice and transitioned at some point in their careers from their work as health services psychologists, after pursuing appropriate levels of additional training and supervised experience.

We consider the diverse backgrounds and career paths of our specialists a strength of our Board. If you are wondering if your background is appropriate for OBCP board certification, please consult the Examination Manual for details. If you are a licensed psychologist whose work is focused on workplace/organizational effectiveness, this is the board for you!

Whether you are an early career professional or well established in your professional journey, we invite you to consider OBCP board certification and look forward to supporting you in the process. One way that we engage interested OBCP candidates is through connection with an OBCP specialist for mentorship and coaching.

Please review the documents included on our website and do not hesitate to reach out to me or our board members with questions or concerns. Our full contact information is located here.

We look forward to hearing from you very soon!

Warm regards,

Daniel A. Schroeder, PhD,  ABPP
President, American Board of Organizational and Business Consulting Psychology